Who We Are

Our History

Started in 2006, by a small group of six people led by Father Richard J. Quinn, Maryknoll Missionary (MM) who lived in Kenya for 46 years.

Our Goal

Stadi za Maisha Educational Trust is dedicated to the well-being of children and youth education in Kenya.

Our Legal Status

The Trust is registered under the provisions of the Trust Perpetual Succession ACT (Cap 164 Laws of Kenya).

SZMET has supplemented the efforts of the Ministries of Education (MOE), Health (MOH), ICT, and lined government agencies in various programs. The Organization has championed policy development in gifted and talented education, training of teachers, designing and developing programs for the gifted and talented in Kenya. In the past we have collaborated with the Ministry of Education in various areas of gifted and talented, life skills education, and special needs.  Stadi za Maisha Educational Trust has been and is still involved in the ongoing Multi-agency committee in the development of assessment tools for the gifted and talented learners including a diagnostic tool in Kenya spearheaded by the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE).

The Trust’s main objective is to advocate and enhance policies and programs development that are holistic in nature and hence support the pursuit of quality, affordable and equitable education.

Our Founder

Started in 2006, by a small group of six people led by Father Richard J. Quinn, Maryknoll Missionary (MM) who lived in Kenya for 46 years.

Why Us?

The Core Mission of the Trust is to advocate poverty alleviation through education, social and health issues that contribute to the sustainable development of the poor and marginalized without caste, creed, or color.

Working together to promote the development of young people’s well-being for a better world.

Research, Design & Production of Multimedia Educational Materials, Advocacy, Capacity building, Designing and Development of Gifted and Talented Programs, and Inclusive Education in the Early Years of Learning

To work under the principles of integrity, honesty, and accountability to our clients, to reach out and respond to cross–cutting issues affecting children and young adults in Kenya.

What We Do

SZMET works in collaboration with the Government through various government agencies, local communities, schools, and Non-government organizations in capacity building and advocacy on education programs to supplement the National and County Governments through working closely with the Ministries of Education and Health to achieve Kenya Vision 2030 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s).

Our work includes Research on topical educational issues, Information supplementary support materials, re-integration of adult youths back to school, Inclusive Early Years of Learning, and Gifted and Talented Education in line with Special Needs.  These initiatives aim to improve quality, accessible, and equitable education by reducing poverty, literacy, and numeracy among children and youth including learners with disability, teachers, and parents.

Where We Work …

SZMET operates nationally with its target audience being local communities, i.e., formal and non-formal schools, churches, and mosques. We strive to make our programs relevant to the communities where we operate.

How We Do It …

We deliver our programs by involving the Government, Non – governmental organizations, and local communities both religious and non-religious structures where appropriate, in a transparent and cooperative manner that emphasizes collaboration rather than instruction. Our commitment is “Working Together to Promote the Development of Young People’s Wellbeing for a Better World”.

To fulfill our Vision and Mission, SZMET organizes its work under six broad components:

  • Developing high-quality innovative programs to fulfill the educational needs of all learners in the communities where we work
  • Advocating and promoting better policies in the area of education
  • Developing relationships and networking with local/international stakeholders as well as donors and other NGOs working in the field
  • Promotion of programs ownership in the communities
  • Building and sustained organization that is open, free fair, transparent, and accountable
  • Dissemination of programs reports widely among the key stakeholders.

Our Collaborates

Stadi za Maisha Trust collaborates with both local and international higher learning institutions and non-profit groups to champion its initiatives.
We don’t walk alone below are some of the organizations we walk with:


Our Team

Our dedicated team, driven by passion and expertise, works tirelessly to advance our mission and make a lasting impact.

Dr. Peter Kiarie Njoroge

Dr. Peter Kiarie Njoroge

Chairman of Board of Trustees
Prof. Kisilu Kombo

Prof. Kisilu Kombo

Advisory Board Chairman
Dr. Rachel W. Kamau Kangethe

Dr. Rachel W. Kamau Kangethe

Member of Trustees
Dr. Anne Hollishead

Dr. Anne Hollishead

Mr. Edward Mokua

Mr. Edward Mokua

Program Manager/ Member of Trustees
Ms’ Alice Keya

Ms’ Alice Keya

Member of Trustees